
Thank you for supporting our parish and our Diocese

Dear friends,

Your generous giving both supports the parish's mission and is an expression of your discipleship of Jesus lived out in the Church.

Bishop Anthony Randazzo-photo  web thumbnailYour giving supports a range of important ministries in our community from the very young, through to teens, young adults, singles of all ages, families and the elderly and vulnerable. Our mission is to share 

the love and goodness of Jesus Christ through connecting and engaging with people, then giving them the opportunity for growth and discipleship at their pace and understanding. This is the work your donations support. Please consider a Planned Giving contribution by EFT or Credit Card (explained below) as this helps fuel the on-going needs of both, the Parish, and our Diocese. Each year parishes complete a financial report on their funds raised and how they are distributed. Please see below for more detailed information on ways you can contribute, to your parish and our Diocese. Thank you for your ongoing support. 

In Christ,
Bishop Anthony Randazzo

Do you want to make a difference?

Here are the giving options available in my Parish.

Online Transfer: BSB: 062 784   Account: 100002141 Account Name: Catholic Parish of Arcadia Bank: CBA CDF


Clergy Giving


The first collection to support our Parish and our retired priests.


Parish Giving

parish giving

The second collection to support the works in our parish.


Pastoral Works Broken Bay

pastoral works bb

The Pastoral charity of our catholic community.


Bequests, Gifts in Wills & the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust

Wills & Bequests

Support our Parish and our Diocese by making a lasting donation via your Will or by supporting the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust.


Other External Appeals


Support the wider catholic community by giving to these external appeals (i.e. Peter’s Pence, Winter Appeal, Project Compassion, etc.)


1. Clergy Giving (First collection)

Donations and occasional parish payments for Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, are for the support of the Clergy (both active and retired) in our Parish and across the Diocese.

A portion of the collection is allocated to a fund to support the Bishop (retired Bishops) and his office.

Personal mass offerings and gifts remain with individual Priests.

  • To support our Clergy Fund through the Diocese’s Good Giving platform,  click here or search on the Apple or Google Play Store for "Parish Giving Broken Bay", download the App and follow the prompts to your Parish. You can also set up recurring donations.
  • You can also donate cash at Mass collections.
  • You can support the Clergy using the Tap & Go devices located in our Parish.

Please note that donations to support the Clergy are non-tax deductible.

2. Parish giving (Second collection)

Parish giving comprises donations made with envelopes, cash and also using Planned Giving (recurring contributions) made via direct debit and credit cards. These donations are for the works of the Parish and support all of our parish ministries, meet the administration costs including electricity and insurance and maintenance of the parish buildings.

Pledging a regular donation, no matter how small it is, can contribute to build up a better source of income to meet our own financial commitments and work towards further enhancing our parish ministries. Please consider this option if you are thinking to become a regular donor to support our Parish. THANK YOU!

  • To support our Parish Fund through the Diocese’s Good Giving platform, click here or search on the Apple or Google Play Store for "Parish Giving Broken Bay", download the App and follow the prompts to your Parish. You can also set up recurring donations.
  • You can also donate cash at Mass collections
  • You can support the Parish using the Tap & Go devices located in our Parish.

Please note that donations to support the Parish are non-tax deductible.

3. Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) Appeal (Tax-deductible)

Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) Appeal is the pastoral charity of our Catholic community in Broken Bay. Donations to PWBB support two key Diocesan ministries, which are the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) and Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Program. It also supports St Lucy's School and St Edmund's College for students with disabilities and the Ephpheta Centre which supports the deaf community.

PWBB is promoted with two Diocesan appeals which are held in May and November each year. However, as a faithful supporter of PWBB, you can also contribute at any time during the year if that is your preference.

How to give to PWBB?

    For more information and to donate to PWBB, simply click here to go to the Diocesan Pastoral Works Broken Bay giving page. To give through the Diocese’s Good Giving platform, click here or search the Apple or Google Play Store for "Parish Giving Broken Bay", download the App and follow the prompts to donate by ensuring you select PWBB as the first option at the top of the screen. For support, please contact the Diocese’s Development and Relationships Manager on 02 8379 1664.
  • You can also fill up the PWBB Appeal envelope displayed at your Parish and hand it over to your Parish. They will take care of the rest. If you require a tax receipt, just tick the box in the envelope and we will send one accordingly.

All donations to Pastoral Works Broken Bay of $2 or more, are tax deductible.

4. Bequests, Gifts in Wills & the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust

A bequest is a donation left to your local parish or your Diocese, given via your will. A bequest to your parish will help the faith community which has meant so much to you to continue its good works and its loving outreach. It is also a means by which you can plan a lasting gift for your parish which might not be possible in your lifetime.

In receiving a bequest, a parish may be able to use the gift to attend to much needed maintenance and improvements to the church and other Parish property or put the gift towards building a new church or refurbishing their existing one. These kinds of gifts help the Parish free up other income to use towards pastoral care programs.

Leaving a Gift in Will in favor of Broken Bay Diocese via the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust means that you can provide funding for seminarians and faith-building activities with a focus on supporting youth engagement, families and the vulnerable.

No matter the size of your gift, a bequest of any kind in your Will can make a significant difference.

The following are some examples of how a bequest may be given:

  1. A Specific Bequest: A detailed gift, for example, an item of property, shares or an insurance policy.
  2. Percentage of your estate: Nominating a set percentage of your estate for your chosen beneficiaries.
  3. Residuary Request: Nominating a beneficiary to receive any leftover monies from your estate.
  4. Whole Estate: Nominating your entire estate for your chosen beneficiary.

For more information on how to lodge a bequest, please visit the Diocese of the Broken Bay website, download the free guide and / or contact the Office for Communication 02 8379 1664.

The Broken Bay Pastoral Trust (BBPT)

For people that would like to donate for the various missions of the Bishop of Broken Bay you are able to do so directly by giving to the Trustees of the Broken Bay Pastoral Trust.

For more information on the Bishop’s mission priorities, please click here.

To support the BBPT contact our Relationships and Development Office on 02 8379 1664.

5. External appeals promoted in the Diocese

Peter's Pence: conducted on the first weekend in July and sent to the Vatican as a response from the faithful to support the charitable activities of the Holy See.

Project Compassion: conducted during Lent each year for Caritas, the Catholic organisation that provides humanitarian assistance to people in need. Project Compassion is tax deductible.

Catholic Mission: taken annually to support the spreading of the Gospel in places around the world where Australian missionaries work. Catholic Mission is tax deductible.

St Vincent de Paul: held twice a year for the Winter Appeal and Christmas Appeal. There are also 'Poor Boxes' with the SVDP logo in the Church.

Holy Places: held on Good Friday to promote missionary work of the Church and support education, health and medical and social works for the people of the Holy Land and to preserve and restore the sacred historical sites.

Please chat to us if you want to know more about these appeals and if you are interested in donating.

Donations and Privacy Policies

If a payment or donation has been made to our Parish in error and a refund is required, please contact our Parish office by phoning (02) 9653 2312  alternatively email

Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.

Click here for more information about the Diocese of Broken Bay Privacy Policy.

Governance and transparency

The Parish abides by rules and procedures that ensure transparency and governance. Parish strategy is established by the Parish Priest in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Committee. These two bodies comprise volunteers of parishioners with skills in these areas. The Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee each hold monthly meetings where crucial areas of running the Parish are discussed and reviewed. Yearly, budgets are developed, and their performance monitored. Each year the Parish Finance Committee publishes the annual activities and presents these to parishioners at every Mass. Members of the Committee are available for consultation at this time and throughout the year. Please call our Office if you would like to discuss any aspect of our governance.