PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE – Celebrating Sts Augustine and Monica

Dear Friends,

           This is a day of great joy as we celebrate St Augustine and his mother St Monica, both great saints, both very different saints, both worthy models for our daily living.

        Augustine – Searcher, Convert, Bishop and Doctor of the Church… Augustine has something for everyone in the example of his life struggle, rich faith and teaching. He is a worthy model for us as we seek to build up our Parish Community. Augustine was close to his people as he told them, For you I am a Bishop, with you I am a Christian!’ (Sermon 340)

Monica - Mother, Faithful Wife, Pray-er, Saint… Monica is a wonderful model of parenting and friendship in her relationship with her son Augustine. She enjoyed his companionship, especially their spiritual bond, and their shared mystical experience at Ostia is one of their most beautiful moments together.  

feast of st augustineIn the Church, there is a variety of charisms or spiritualities, each a different ‘window on the Gospel’. Core dimensions of the Augustinian charism influence Family and Parish Life and set the scene for peaceful living:

COMMUNION OF LIFE – Life in community as friends is Augustine’s ideal for living out the Christian life – sharing material and spiritual goods – ‘One in mind and heart on the way to God.’ He says:

‘To talk and to laugh, and to do other kindnesses; to read pleasant books; to pass from the lightest jesting to talk of the deepest things and back again; to differ without rancour, as persons might differ with themselves… To teach each other and to learn from each other. These and such things kindled a flame that fused our very souls together and made us one out of many.’ (Confessions IV, 8)

SERVICE TO THE CHURCHOur following Augustine involves being part of the Church and Parish Community, showing concern for those in need, and loving the Church in all its imperfection. Augustine challenges us:

‘Who am I? What are you? You and I are nothing but the Church... If God wills, we belong to his Church. But it is by love that we belong to the Church. And we must persevere to stay with the Church if we wish to show the love we have.’ (Sermon 1 Jn 6)

INTERIORITY - Sharing the search for God from our interiority – our deepest self, our heart. Augustine writes:

‘If God seems slow in responding, it is because He is preparing a better gift. He will not deny us. God withholds what you are not yet ready for. He wants you to have a lively desire for His greatest gifts. All of which is to say, pray always and do not lose heart.’ (Letter to Proba)

There are many other aspects of the Augustinian charism that relate to and flow from the above – Christ the Centre of our lives, love, friendship, truth, respect, justice, grace - to name a few. The ‘Augustinian Window’ on the Gospel provides a sound framework for our daily, personal response in living the Christian life – particularly on Social Justice Sunday 2022 where the Statement addresses the sadness of violence and fractured relationships.

May our hearts and lives be touched by the wisdom of Augustine and Monica today!    Fr Dave