Year of Prayer

Pastoral Works Broken Bay May Appeal
Connecting to the Mission of Christ

Each year the Diocese holds two Pastoral Works Broken Bay appeals to support our key ministries – Confraternity of Christian Doctrine or CCD which supports our catechists who provide religious education in public schools, and Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, helping those who are vulnerable, lonely or sick in hospital. Our first appeal begins this month – May. We invite you to know more about Pastoral Works Broken Bay from Bishop Anthony in the video below.

Thank you for your kind-hearted support. With your prayers and generous giving, our Diocese can help families and parish communities in Broken Bay to connect deeper and wider to the Mission of Jesus Christ!

Bishop Anthony Randazzo, Bishop of Broken Bay

Bishop Anthony Randazzo’s Easter Message 2024

As we approach the solemn and joyous celebration of Easter, let us reflect on the profound message of hope and renewal that this sacred season brings - a message that comes to us from the enduring promise of God’s guidance and mercy.

Read the full text here.

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD JCL, Bishop of Broken Bay

Holy Week Mass Times.

Bishop's Holy Thursday Homily.

Bishop's Good Friday Homily.

Bishop's Easter Sunday Homily.

Bishop Anthony Randazzo’s Lenten Message 2024

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Each year the Church offers us the opportunity to journey towards the joyous solemnity of Easter. The season of Lent affords us the chance to reflect on our lives and our response to the call to participate in the Mission of Christ.

In 2024, the Lenten season coincides with the invitation from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to dedicate ourselves to a Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee Year of 2025. The Holy Father’s desire is that this time of prayer be fruitful to reawaken and revitalise the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to Him and adore Him, as we unite together in a great symphony of prayer.

My hope is that this Lenten resource will be a powerful experience of prayer with Scripture, opening up the well of our hearts to the Word of God. I pray also that the Word be planted in our lives and transform them.

Therefore, for each and every one of you, I pray that this Lenten period may be a time of meaningful prayer, and that we respond to the invitation to step more intimately into the Mission entrusted to us by Jesus, whose resurrection restores us all to communion with the Father.

Christmas Message

Bishop Anthony's Christmas Message 2023

Peace is the essence of the message of Christmas.

It is a message that resonates through the scriptures. “For there is a child born for us… wide is his dominion in a peace that has no end”. Isaiah’s prophetic words remind us of a promised peace, a peace that transcends human understanding—a peace that finds its fulfillment in the birth of Christ.

Read the full text here.

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD JCL, Bishop of Broken Bay


Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD JCL

Pastoral Works

Your Kindness To Those in Need

Our Parishes

Churches and Parishes

XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

Rome October 2023 and October 2024

Bishop Anthony

"My prayer for the Church of Broken Bay is that it will be a community of faith, One in Christ. A community where we are guided by the Holy Spirit towards Jesus Christ as his disciples supported by a vibrant Church where parishes are not only homes of prayer, worship and authentic Catholic formation but places of joy-filled gatherings."

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo, Bishop of Broken Bay

Safeguarding in Broken Bay

Our care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.


The Diocese of Broken Bay demonstrates a commitment to its people by the provision of many varied works for the Common Good. It is through these works that the value and personal dignity of the person is celebrated and protected. When a Diocesan community is called upon to safeguard its people, the Catholic Church is asking them to pro-actively support a culture of safety and care that espouses honesty, engagement, and conversation.

The result is a community environment where children and vulnerable adults: know that their community is alert to areas of risk and harm, and are capable of applying appropriate actions of prevention; are confident to voice their concerns at all times, and have trust that their concerns will be listened to respectfully and seriously.

Learn about Saints and Feast Days

Blessed Pope Pius IX placed the universal Church under his patronage and declared St Joseph the patron of the Catholic Church. The feast day of St Joseph is celebrated on 19 March. With great love and care Joseph watched over Jesus and Mary and fulfilled his vocation as a faithful guardian of the Holy Family. Read more about our Saints and Feast here.

Feast Days