Welcome to Walking With Jesus PowerPoints.
Welcome to the Walking with Jesus PowerPoint resources. The PowerPoints have been designed to assist catechists in lesson preparation and teaching in the classroom. The PowerPoints should be used alongside the Teacher’s Manual and Student Activity Book for lesson preparation. It is always recommended that the Unit Outline in the Teacher’s Manual be read at the beginning of each unit of work. It is essential to read the Lesson Plan before using the PowerPoint resource, as the PowerPoints will only make sense in the context of the lesson plan. The Aim of each lesson cannot be changed.
The PowerPoints have voiceovers on the stories and bible passages. The rest of slides are there for your use to either read from or paraphrase what is written, or to get the children to read (e.g. the prayers). If you would prefer to read the stories and bible passages yourself, simply turn the volume down, but remember to turn it back up when you get to the song at the end of each PowerPoint. Please Download each Powerpoint as you need it, to ensure you are accessing the most up-to-date version. Downloading the Powerpoint ensures the audio and video will work properly. We have included a link to the instructions on how to download in the 'To Get Started' section, below.
The PowerPoints have been left in their original format for ease of downloading and saving onto a USB. To respect the integrity of the curriculum material, we ask that you do not edit them.
To Get Started. Choose a Level - Click on your Stage/Year box. Open the link to the PowerPoint and use the How to download PowerPoint guide (PDF 1.4MB) to save to a USB (memory stick) for use in the classroom.
Please email CCD Resources if you have any corrections or feedback on the Walking with Jesus PowerPoints.