What does it mean to ‘Be Synodal’?
Fr Rush points to four things that can help us gain a fuller appreciation of the concept of becoming a more Synodal Church in the mind of Pope Francis.
Fr Rush, an expert on Church councils and synods, serves on the Synod’s theological commission.

Conversation in the Spirit
Conversations in the Spirit are not a “generic exchange of ideas, but a dynamic in which the word [that is] spoken and heard generates familiarity, enabling the participants to draw closer to one another” (IL, 33). It is a method, a spiritual journey, enabling participants to draw closer to one another, as they listen to one another, and together for what The Spirit is calling forth. By having conversation in the Spirit, we seek to listen to the voice of God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit, as He gradually opens our minds to what He has to tell us.