
Baptism initiates a person into the quest for reconciliation.

In Baptism we are immersed in the waters, drowned to disunity and discord

and come out alive to harmony and oneness. We are reconciled to the original state.

The journey of Sacramental Initiation begins for all of us when we are welcomed into the Church community through the Sacrament of Baptism.

When from your mother’s womb made you a member of the family established by your parents and their respective families. You have an immediate family of parents and siblings and an extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, and such.

Baptism — is a supernatural birth — establishes ties to spiritual families. By being baptized, born again of water and the Spirit, new Christians become children of God. Through Baptism, our immediate spiritual family is God the Father, Jesus, God’s son and a brother to all, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus and a mother to all. Everyone who was, is, or ever will be baptised becomes their extended spiritual family. Through Baptism we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, whether Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox etc.

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Infant Baptism

Baptism usually takes place when we are babies or when we are quite young - see Infant/Child Baptism program.

Children over 10 Baptism

For those over the age of 10 who are unbaptised or baptised in another Christian denomination and wish to become a Catholic, they are included in a different sacramental program which we call RCIA for Children or RCIA for Adults; this process prepares them to be fully initiated or received into full communion with the Catholic Church during the Season of Easter.

Preparation is by appointment - please ring or email Parish Office to meet a member of our Baptism Team