Donations to our First Collection, Second Collection and to the Pastoral Works Broken Bay (formerly CWF) can be made securely by Visa Card or MasterCard. Simply click on the BPoint logo below.
BPoint Payments
Payments or contributions to the parish by Visa or MasterCard can be made via BPoint.
This secure system provided by the Commonweath Bank of Australia will give you the option of having your receipt emailed to you.
To make a donation, simply click the BPoint logo below.

Donations by Direct Debit
You can make automatic donations directly to the Parish via direct
debit using any VISA or Mastercard credit or debit card. Direct debit transactions will
be processed by the Parish on the 15th of each month.
If you would like to donate via this method, complete and return the form from the link below or contact the
Parish office.
Click here to download the Donations by Direct Debit Form (PDF 314.7KB)
Tap & Go Electronic Donations
The parish has available tap and pay terminals that
allow fixed amount donations of either $10 or $20 to be made to our Parish at each tap. Donations may be made at any time. These terminals
are located at the entrance of the Sacred Heart Church, Mona Vale and will soon be available at Maria Regina Church, Mona Vale.
These terminals may be used with any contactless credit or debit card, telephone, watch or similar tap-to-pay device.
Donations made
via these devices are not tax deductible, are not refundable and receipts cannot be issued.
The terminals are provided by Quest and EFTPOS transaction
processing is performed by Quest.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay (formerly CWF)
We are so grateful to our community who demonstrate their love for their
neighbours by generously supporting the Charitable Works Fund.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay is working by providing the funds to
ensure our trained CatholicCare Pastoral Care Practitioners are
available by mobile phone for those in hospitals in our Diocese. With
restrictions on visitors, Pastoral Care Practitioners are needed more
than ever for the patients, their families and the staff in the
hospitals in our Diocese.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay is working by providing the funds to
create online resources for students in public schools in our Diocese to
receive Catholic Special Religious Education Classes. This vital
ministry will assist parents at home continue the valuable faith
formation to Catholic students in the public schools in our Diocese.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay is working by assisting St Lucy’s School
and St Edmund’s College care for students with special needs who are
still attending providing additional funds to two schools with students
with special needs.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay works every day by providing funds to those who are deaf or hard of hearing through the Ephpheta Centre.
When you give to the Pastoral Works Broken Bay, you can be assured that your donation is
working for the faith and the people of the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Donations $2 and over are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your generosity.
If a payment or donation has been made to The Catholic Parish of Pittwater in error and a refund is required, please contact the parish office on +61291570999 or alternatively email us using the contact us page.
Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.