"Many small people, in many small places, do many small things, that can alter the face of the world.”
New volunteers are always welcome to assist with our many ministries.
Altar Servers
Young people who would like to assist on the altar at Mass are most welcome. Some training required. Contact: Parish Office.
Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament is made available to those in Nursing Homes every month. If you would like to come along and assist the Priest to visit the homes please call the Parish Office.
A ministry to Catholic children in the Parish’s State Primary and Secondary Schools. More Catechists and helpers are always needed. Training is provided. Contact 4332 2216.
Music is an integral part of our Church life. If you have the desire you would be most welcome to join our music ministry by either singing or playing an instrument. Rehearsals held weekly on Tuesday evenings.
Contact: the parish office on 4332 2216.
Commentators & Readers
If you would like to read/commentate at Mass please contact: Parish Office. Training will be provided if you are new to this ministry.
Compassionate Friends Bereavement Ministry
If you could be available for pre and post funeral visits and help with preparation of the Liturgy for Requiem Mass or Funeral Prayers (booklets provided), you would be most welcome to join and be trained by our experienced team.
Contact: 4332 2216.
The aim of this ministry is to encourage and foster closer relations with other Christian communities. If you feel called to participate in this ministry please contact: Mary Holding (02) 4334 6421.
Home Visitation Ministry
Anyone who would like to visit those in our Parish who are unable to leave home or have great difficulty doing so and would enjoy or benefit from a visit from our volunteers please contact the parish office.
Sacramental Programmes
Parish-based, family-centred programmes for Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist. If you would like to assist with the running and presenting of these programmes please contact 4332 2216.
R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
A programme for adults interested in becoming a part of the Catholic community. Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you feel you could assist with adult faith formation please contact: Fr Brian 4332 2216.
St Vincent de Paul
Renowned for its work amongst the poor and needy. Always looking for more volunteers to assist with visits, food parcels and good works. Please contact the parish office and we will be happy to pass your details on to our Vinnies Conference. If you would like to help in our local store: The Entrance Road THE ENTRANCE phone them directly on (02) 4332 3776.
Transport on Parish Bus
Drivers are scheduled on a roster basis to provide transport to the 9:30am Mass Sunday via our parish bus. If you have an LR Licence and would be willing to be included on the roster or even be an emergency backup driver please contact the Parish Office.
We also require volunteers to assist our bus drivers in picking up and dropping home parishioners for the weekend Masses. Some passengers need help getting on and off the bus.
Pastoral Carers at Reynolds Court
If you could spare and hour each week the residents at Reynolds Court Apartments in Bateau Bay would love to meet you.
Enquiries: Geoff 0429 453 250.