Music in the Cathedral Parish
Music has been part of Christian worship since the Apostolic Age. In his letter, St Paul instructed the Ephesians to “sing psalms and hymns and inspired songs among yourselves, singing and chanting to the Lord in your hearts.” The second Vatican council said the Church’s treasury of sacred music is of “inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.” This is because, in the liturgy, music unifies God’s people in worship: many voices sing together as one, just as the diverse church comes together to make the body of Christ. Through singing, we as the Church are able to express our praise and joy all the more profoundly.
The musicians of Hornsby Cathedral Parish strive to support Masses with beautiful music, to enrich the liturgy and incline the hearts and minds of the faithful to God. Both Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral and Queen of Peace Church feature a diverse array of music: Saturday Vigil Masses are served by a rotation of ensembles, from solo cantor with accompaniment, to the large and long-standing Vigil Choir. Sunday Masses likewise feature a range of musicians: the 9:30am Solemn Mass at the Cathedral is led by the Cathedral Choir, while an accompanied cantor or small ensemble typically serves at the 11am and 6pm Masses. The Queen of Peace Choir sings monthly at the fourth Sunday 9am Mass in the Normanhurst Church.

Cathedral Choir
The Cathedral Choir leads the music at the solemn 9:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, three Sundays a month. The Choir also normally leads the music for liturgical celebrations presided over by Bishop Anthony Randazzo, such as the Christmas Midnight Mass and the sacred liturgies of the Paschal Triduum. It is comprised of men and women of all ages who meet for evening rehearsals on Wednesdays. New members are always welcome to join.
Diocesan Choir
The Diocesan Choir is an ensemble formed from the musical talent of Parishes across the Diocese of Broken Bay. This Choir comes together to provide music for major liturgies in the life of the Diocese, including the Chrism Mass and priestly ordinations at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral. For further information, or to submit your name to the Diocesan Choir Database, please contact the Cathedral Director of Music.
Wedding Music
For information regarding music at celebrations of the Sacrament of Marriage at Our Lady of the Rosary, please see the Cathedral’s Music Policy on Wedding Liturgies.
Cathedral Director of Music

For more information, or to find where you may fit in the music ministry of the Hornsby Cathedral Parish, please contact the Cathedral Director of Music, Joshua Willard, at or via the Parish office at 8379 1700.