Celebrating First Holy Communion at Hornsby Cathedral: A Joyous Milestone in Faith

First Holy Communion Novemebr 2023

Celebrating First Holy Communion at Hornsby Cathedral: A Joyous Milestone in Faith

Last weekend, Hornsby Cathedral came together to celebrate the magic of First Holy Communion in our parish.

The occasion marked a significant moment for children from our parish, OLOR school, and beyond. It symbolised their initial reception of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, a solemn act that integrates them fully into our Catholic community. The Eucharist, central to the Mass, transforms bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, providing spiritual nourishment and unity (or communion) with Jesus.


This sacred event held importance not just for the children but also for their families and our entire parish community.

Beyond being a tradition, First Holy Communion is a moment for contemplation and spiritual connection. It encourages thoughtful conversations about faith, love, and the profound significance of partaking in the body and blood of Christ. This sacrament is a pivotal point in a Catholic’s spiritual journey, fostering a deeper union with Jesus. And many of us carry our own cherished memories of our First Holy Communion, regardless of age.


As a parish community, we extend our blessings to the children who took this step in their faith journey. Their communion is a collective acknowledgement, made possible by the steady support of so many. Special thanks go to the First Communion Class and their parents for their thoughtful engagement with their faith. Our gratitude also extends to the teachers, sacramental coordinators, clergy, and all who worked diligently to make these First Communion Masses happen.


For more information on the Cathedral's sacramental programs, click here. And for details on 2024's First Holy Communion, keep checking here. If you're an adult interested in exploring Catholicism, any of the Sacraments, or the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults); you can find more information here.

Feel free to reach out to the Parish office, https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/hornsby/contact/contact-us, if you'd like to have a sacramental conversation.