Embracing the Blessed Sacrament

Embracing the holy sacrament

During April, Catholics are called to consider the profound mystery and grace of the most sacred of sacraments – the Eucharist. 

The month of April is dedicated both to devotion to the Eucharist and devotion to the Holy Spirit. This tradition has developed as Easter Sunday often falls in April, and when it does fall in March, as it did this year, the Easter season continues on through all of April. In essence, April is a month of Easter, and during the Easter celebration we remember the Eucharistic sacrifice Christ gave us and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which would come after Jesus's resurrection.

Although Holy Thursday fell in March this year, in the Christian tradition April marks a time of reflection and devotion, following the celebration of the Major Feast of Holy Thursday. When we commemorate the institution and mystery of the Eucharist, where Jesus, in His infinite love and mercy, bestowed upon us the precious gift of His body and blood. It is a moment of divine encounter when we are drawn into communion with Jesus.

At Hornsby Cathedral, we recognise the Blessed Sacrament as the beating heart of our faith, the wellspring from which all grace flows. It is here that we encounter the living presence of Christ. As Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth."

As we kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, we are enveloped in Jesus’s boundless love and mercy. Each moment spent in His divine presence is a transformative encounter that enriches our souls and can bring about a profound sense of peace and wholeness.

This month especially, we can all carve out moments of peace and encounter amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, in front of the Blessed Sacrament. We are all invited to Adoration at the Cathedral, which we can attend on the first Friday of every month, from 10am to 10pm, or every Saturday during Holy Hour, from 8.15am to 9.15am. 

If you’d like to find out more about the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, or First Holy Communion for either adults or Children, check out the HCP website, https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/hornsby/, or contact the Parish office  Monday to Friday 9am - 4.20pm on (02) 8379 1700.