Getting Back on Track During Lent

three woman praying together

As we journey through the Lenten season, we often set intentions, make commitments, and strive for personal growth and spiritual renewal. However, it's not uncommon to stumble along the way, to falter in our commitments, and to find ourselves unintentionally or intentionally veering off course.

The beauty of Lent, however, lies not in perfection but in our ability to acknowledge our shortcomings and embrace the opportunity for redemption and renewal. We all fall, that’s inevitable, but what’s important is that we get back up.  

So, what do we do when we break our commitments during Lent? How do we find our way back on track?

1. Acknowledge and Accept: The first step is to acknowledge and accept our slip-ups. Instead of dwelling on feelings of guilt or shame, recognise that we are human, and imperfection is a part of the journey. Embrace a spirit of humility and self-compassion, knowing that Lent is a time for growth and transformation, not perfection.

2. Reflect and Learn: Take some time to reflect on the reasons behind your lapse. Was it a moment of weakness? Were you overwhelmed or distracted? Understanding the root cause can help you identify areas for growth and develop strategies to prevent similar situations in the future. Use this reflection as a learning opportunity to deepen your self-awareness and strengthen your resolve.

3. Reconnect with Your Intentions: Revisit the intentions you set at the beginning of Lent and remind yourself of why they are important to you. Reconnecting with your deeper purpose can reignite your motivation and commitment. Allow your intentions to guide you back on track and inspire you to continue your journey with renewed dedication and focus.

4. Seek Support and Accountability: Don't be afraid to reach out for support from friends, family, or members of your faith community. Share your struggles and challenges openly, and allow others to offer encouragement, guidance, and prayers. Consider finding an accountability partner who can help keep you accountable and provide encouragement along the way.

5. Practice Forgiveness: Extend forgiveness to yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings. Just as we are called to forgive others, we must also offer ourselves the same grace and compassion. Remember that each day is a new opportunity to begin again and recommit to your Lenten practices.

6. Take Action: Finally, take intentional steps to get back on track. Set small, achievable goals and commit to taking consistent action towards your intentions. Whether it's recommitting to daily prayer, fasting, or acts of service, take tangible steps to realign your actions with your values and intentions. 

In the midst of our imperfections and struggles, Lent offers us a profound opportunity for growth, renewal, and transformation. Embrace each setback as a chance to deepen your faith, strengthen your resilience, and draw closer to God. With humility, self-compassion, and determination, you can find your way back on track and continue your Lenten journey with renewed purpose and passion.

May this Lent be a time of grace, forgiveness, and abundant blessings as we journey together towards Easter.