2024 Sacramental Program


The Sacramental preparation program in our parish, and indeed throughout the Diocese of Broken Bay, is a parish based and family centred process. It is structured in a way for parents and their child to work through the booklets together as part of a parish sacramental group under the guidance of a group leader, and to continue the discussion and exercises at home. Both parish and family play an important role in journeying with the children towards full initiation into the Church.

3 Sacs


Welcome to the Sacramental Programme for 2024

Click here to download our Sacramental 2024 Programme brochure 

The programme at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish is parish based, family centred, and school supported and aims to support you and your family while you grow together in the knowledge and expression of your faith.
This brochure sets out the dates and requirements for the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Reconciliation and First Communion during 2023.
To enrol your child in the Children’s Sacramental Programme please attend the Information and Enrolment evenings as per the brouchure. You will be required to provide a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (if not baptised at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, The Entrance). If you are unable to attend the Information and Enrolment evening you will need to contact the parish office to arrange an appointment with a member of the Sacramental team to go through the information for the Sacrament that you are enrolling your child for. 

Families are encouraged to attend weekend Masses, particularly during the preparation period for each of the Sacraments as this helps the children to understand the meaning behind the lessons for each Sacrament.

If your child has special needs, we seek to accommodate them in our program so that they may be welcomed and participate in the program in the most appropriate way for them. Please contact Colleen Smith for more information (see details below).

The parish also offers a preparation program for families (where one or both parents are Catholic) with:
children aged seven years and older who are not baptised and would like to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.
children who have been baptised into another Christian denomination who wish to be received into the Catholic Church and participate in the Sacramental Program.
If neither parent is Catholic, we still welcome your enquiry and we are happy to discuss this further with you.

The parish also accommodates any children/young people/adults who have been baptised Catholic who may not have received all the sacraments and parents who may wish to become a Catholic.

See website for further information about the Sacramental Program and updates to the program or contact Colleen Smith on 4332 2216 or via email

The Sacramental Programme is made up of the following parts:

Parents/Carers seeking the reception of the Sacraments for their children are required to attend the information and enrolment night. This is an opportunity for parents to obtain information about the Sacrament, an overview of the content of  the classes and a review of the Sacramental ceremonies. There is also an opportunity for questions and discussion. The evening is for parents and carers (children are not required to attend), to support them with all they will need in order to prepare their children for the Sacraments. If you are unable to attend the Information and Enrolment evening, then you will be required to contact the parish office to make an appointment with a member of the Sacramental team to discuss information from the evening and enroll your child in the Sacrament.

Families are encouraged to attend weekend Masses during the Sacramental programme to assist the children in understanding the Sacrament they are learning about. (5:00pm Saturday evening or 8:00am or 9:30am Sunday Masses) 
The Children will also be presented to the parish community at some of these Masses and this step affirms your child's belonging to the parish community and invites the whole community to pray for you child.

Leading up to each Sacrament there are four (4), compulsory one hour preparation sessions that are held at the Parish Centre, next door to the Church. A parent/carer is required to attend each session with their child. While the program is parish based it is also family centred with activities to be completed at home to emphasise the home as a faith community. These classes provide the children with an understanding of the symbols and processes for receiving each Sacrament. Children and their families are encouraged to attend the weekend Masses throughout the programme in order to enhance their preparation.  Dates and times for classes are provided for each Sacrament at the information evenings or as advertised on website. All four sessions must be attended. If you are unable to attend a session or miss a session you must contact the Sacramental coordinator for instructions on how to make up the missed session. 
Class/Session times and dates are advertised closer to the commencement of each Sacrament. 

4. ENRICHMENT DAYS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Enrichment days are held for the children prior to their reception of each of the sacraments. On these days the children revisit what they have learned during the preparation sessions and also receive instructions in preparation to receive the sacrament.
If there are any extenuating circumstances, regarding times and dates, please make an appointment to see the Parish Sacramental Coordinator no later than one week prior to the first Parent Information and Enrolment session.
We welcome children with special needs and are happy to discuss and work with parents to ensure their child receives the Sacraments of initiation. 

Pastoral Associate/Sacramental Coordinator: Colleen
Parish Office: (02) 4332 2216