Parish Pastoral Council


This group consists of lay members of the parish, who meet on the third Tuesday of each month, and serve by consultation with the clergy of the parish,
and are available for parishioner contact on any queries or information relating to parish matters.


Chair Person- Peter Huby

Deputy Chair- Tricia Humphreys

Secretary- Ellen Sheerin

Member - Bob Steele

  Augustinian Religious Nuns

  Assistant Parish Priest

  Parish Priest

With Full Council:

Emma Sellars                         St. Mary’s Primary Principal

Catherine Kyle                        St. Mary’s Primary REC

Charlene Reid                        St. Brendan’s Primary Principal

Alli Foskett                              St. Brendan’s Primary REC

Adam Murdoch                      St. Brigid’s College Principal

Ashleigh Sadlers                 St. Brigid’s College AP for Evangelization and Catechesis

 Victoria Price                         PEC- Primary

Naomi Hepplewhite               PEC- Secondary


Pauline O' Malley -Secretary

Christine Buckman- Chair Person

Lance Scrivener- Vice Chair Person

Ray Crocker- Member

Manny Debono- Member