Faith Enrichment Online Programs

DIGITAL AND DOMESTIC The word ‘Missa’ from which is derived our word ‘Mass’ comes from the Latin formula for the dismissal of the congregation, Ita, missa est, literally meaning "Go, she—meaning you, the Church—has been sent"). It is related to the word ‘mission’. Today, we have been sent – to take our faith out in a new and more intentional way into our homes, our communities and our world. The early Church began with house gatherings - we can continue to do the same. After all, the Church is the people of God. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in 2008 in Sydney, spoke of what it is to be Church as, "the Church, the people of God throughout the world, united in faith and love and empowered by the Spirit to bear witness to the risen Christ to the ends of the earth

WEBSITE – Free For 40 Days

Formed provides a wide variety of Catholic content to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith. Studies, movies, children’s programs, ebooks and audio are available on your web browser or mobile phone. For a short time, register at for a free account and discover the plentiful, high quality content available.
In particular:
1. For children: Brother Francis “Let’s Learn About Lent”
2. For adults: Lectio: Salvation with Dr Michael Barber

 Laudate (App) This free App has a large number of resources at hand, including the day’s Readings; the Liturgy of the Hours; the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Prayers, Catholic documents including the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and even links to many Catholic media sites. Download for Apple and Android

 Making the Most of the Situation – 7 Great Ways to fill your day with Holy moments

LiturgyHelp – currently offering free access This resource has been made available to all via this link:  Here you will find the Liturgical readings for each day from the Jerusalem Bible as used in Australia. Additional resources include commentaries, homilies and children’s activity sheets for each Sunday

 Pray As You Go Start the day with a reflection on the day’s Reading, with music, Scripture reading, and guided reflection. A simple way to connect with the Church’s liturgy and to bring God into your day. Approximately 15 minutes. or download App on Apple or Android

Aust Bishops conference on resources available.

 CathFamily – Free access to CathKids until June 30 CathFamily is an Australian site offering family resources including activities, craft, recipes, games and seasonal rituals which are perfect for Lent. The CathKids section offers a weekly interactive experience on the Sunday reading, with a short animated video, questions to stimulate discussion, a simple activity and prayer. A great way to engage children each Sunday.

The Bible App for Kids (YouVersion) A free interactive App for children with animated bible stories, games and activities.