Christian Meditation
Manly: Tuesdays 12.15pm in the Parish Prayer Room
Lectio Divina
Manly: Tuesday 7pm in the Parish Meeting Room
Wednesday 10:00 am in the Parish Centre
Eucharistic Adoration
Manly - Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm - commencing with the
Divine Mercy Chaplet and Eucharistic Reflection and Benediction from 7pm.
Craft Group
Manly: Tuesday 10am - 12noon in the Parish Centre
Manly: Wednesday and Friday 9:45 am
Freshwater: Tuesday to Friday before 9:15 am Mass
St Joseph's Men's Group
Manly:1st Thursday of the Month - 7pm in the Parish Meeting Room
Young Adults Group
2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month.
Piety Store
Open 15 minutes before and after Mass
Manly: Saturdays 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Freshwater: Saturdays 4:30 pm
Youth Group
(High School Students) |
1st and 3rd Sunday 7pm -9pm following the 6pm Youth Mass |
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