Our Collections: Information on the Collections held in the Parish
Clergy Giving
Cash givings as well as fees from Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, are for the support of the priests and Bishops in our Diocese. After covering the household expenses of the clergy in our Parish, the balance of the giving is passed over to a pooled fund that provides stipends for all active priests, supports our retired clergy and pays medical costs. A portion of the giving (15%) is allocated to a fund to support the Bishop (and retired Bishops) and his office.
Personal Mass offerings and gifts remain with individual priest
Parish Giving
Cash giving and Planned Giving (envelopes, direct debit and credit cards) to the parish giving are for the works of the Parish. These funds support all of our parish ministries, meet the administration costs including wages and insurance and ensure the ongoing maintenance of the parish buildings. Pledging a regular giving, no matter how small, gives us a reliable source of income to meet our own financial commitments and work towards further enhancing our parish ministries.
You can make a donation via BPoint by clicking here (link coming soon)
Download a pledge form here (coming soon) to set up a regular donation by EFT, credit card or cash envelopes.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay
The Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) is held two times a year and provides funding for charities that directly support the people of our Diocese. These are primarily:
• Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) which resources our catechists in State Schools
• Catholic Care Hospitality Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Practitioner Program
The Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) is tax deductible.
Other Collections
Peter's Pence: conducted on the first weekend in July and sent to the Vatican as a response from the faithful to support the charitable activities of the Holy See.
Project Compassion: conducted during Lent each year for Caritas, the Catholic organisation that provides humanitarian assistance to people in need. Project Compassion is tax deductible.
Catholic Mission: taken annually to support the spreading of the Gospel in places around the world where Australian missionaries work. Catholic Mission is tax deductible.
St Vincent de Paul: held twice a year for the Winter Appeal and Christmas Appeal. There is also 'poor box' for SVDP in the Church.
Holy Places: held on Good Friday to promote missionary work of the Church: support education, health and medical and social works for the people of the Holy Land; and to preserve andrestore the sacred historical sites.
Devotional Candle Stands
Money placed in the boxes at the candle stands goes to support all the works of our parish.
Tap and Go
There is a Tap n' Go (Smart Terminal) machine which accepts Visa and Mastercard. The machine is located near the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and inside the Church. These donations go to the Parish.
A bequest is a donation left to our parish, given via your will. A bequest to the parish will help the faith community to continue its good works and its loving outreach. It is also a means by which you can plan a lasting gift for your parish which might not be possible in your lifetime.
No matter the size of the gift, a bequest of any kind in your Will can make a significant difference.
The following are some examples of how a bequest may be given:
1. A Specific Bequest: A detailed gift, for example, an item of property, shares or an insurance policy
2. Percentage of your estate: Nominating a set percentage of your estate for your chosen beneficiaries
3. Residuary Request: Nominating a beneficiary to receive any leftover monies from your estate
4. Whole Estate: Nominating your entire estate for your chosen beneficiary
For more information on how to lodge a bequest, please visit the Diocese of the Broken Bay website.
BPoint payments
Payments or contributions to the parish by Visa or MasterCard can now be made by clicking on the Bpoint Logo below.
This secure system provided by the CBA will give you the option of having your receipt emailed to you.
Please select an option from the drop-down menu. For example 'Planned Giving' or 'PWBB' for Pastoral Works Broken Bay donations.
Click below to make payment. Thank you for your contributions.

Donations Return Policy
If a payment or donation has been made to Warnervale Parish in error and a refund is required, please contact St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Catholic Parish Warnevale by phoning 02 8379 1740 or alternatively email warnervaleparish@bbcatholic.org.au. Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.