Safeguarding in our Parish means....
Providing a safe environment for all children and vulnerable adults
Ensuring integrity and accountability in all ministries

If you have a concern for the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person or vulnerable adult, tell someone who can help.
These people in our Parish can help:
Name: Kim McCarthy (Parish Secretary)
Number: 8379 1740
Name: Fr Philip Thottam (Parish Priest)
Number: 0423 279 263
Name: Mr Bill Mifsud (Parish Safeguarding Officer)
Number: 0412 051 839
Or contact the Office for Safeguarding (Chancery) on 8379 1605 or email safeguarding@bbcatholic.org.au
For further Diocesan Safeguarding information visit www.bbcatholic.org.au/safeguarding