Sacramental Program 2020

The family is where we begin our journey through life.  We learn to love, to celebrate, to forgive, to share joys and support each other.  Families have their own unique          celebrations and rituals that are rich in storytelling and traditions.  Celebrations and rituals add to the life and substance of the family, they build and deepen relationships.

The same is true for our journey in faith.  Families are the place where we learn about Jesus Christ through stories from scripture, experiencing the liturgical cycle and sacramental life through community, symbols and rituals.  It is through our family's example and teaching that we learn about Jesus Christ.  The next place of learning, alongside the family, is the parish where catechists and Catholic school assist and provide support in the ongoing faith formation of the child and family.  An essential part of this faith formation is preparation for and celebration of the sacraments.  

Wyong Parish will be commencing their Sacramental Program for 2020 in July.  Please contact the Parish Office on 0424 763 734 or 4352 1011 to make arrangements for your child to receive instruction for Confirmation, Reconciliation  and First Eucharist.