Children's Ministry

Children at church

Children’s Liturgy and Family Masses

Children's Liturgy
(Ages 3-10)

Our Children's Liturgy and Family Masses begin with the start of Sunday morning Mass in the church. The children are called to the front of the church to receive a blessing by the priest before they move to the Parish Meeting Room. The children return to the church for the Liturgy of the Eucharist and are often involved in the Offertory Procession. It is important that the children are positioned in the Church prior to the start of the mass.

The Family Mass Choir is part of our family masses at Sacred Heart Pymble. If the choir is something that you would like to be involved with, or if you would like additional background on our program then please contact the Parish office.

Scheduled Children's Liturgy and Family Mass events are given below.


The Children’s Liturgy is supported by a group of adult volunteers who work with the children at the scheduled 9:30am Mass during school term. Children wishing to particip[ate assemble in front of the altar at the start of Mass and then retire to their own liturgy of the word for children. The gospel of the day is read and discussed followed by associated activities related to the day. There are always opportunities for adults to support this important ministry. If you would like to be involved and share your faith with the children, please contact the Parish office.

Children’s Liturgy

Sacred Heart Pymble – Sunday 9:30am Mass
  • 4 August
  • 18 August
  • 1 September
  • 15 September
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour West Pymble – Saturday 5:00pm Mass
  • Every Saturday during school term

Family Masses

Sacred Heart Pymble - Sunday 9:30am Mass

Term Date
Term 1 25 February - Year 6
7 April (Confirmation Presentation Mass) - Year 3
Term 2 26 May - Year 5
2 June (Reconciliation Presentation Mass) - Year 2
Term 3 28 July (First Holy Communion Presentation Mass) - Year 4
Term 4 27 October - Year 1
8 December - Kindy | New Kindy 2025
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour West Pymble - Saturday 5pm Mass

Date Class Refreshments
25 February The Hub BBQ
25 March Year 2W BBQ
27 May   Soup, bread rolls and warm finger food
24 June   Soup, bread rolls and warm finger food
28 October   BBQ
25 November Year 6 and Kindy BBQ