Parish News

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Pymble Online stamp

Pymble Online

Pymble Parish Online, a collection of information and activities available in our own space

Homilies stamp


Homilies by Fr Ireneusz Czech SDS

Year of Prayer stamp

Year of Prayer

Meditation series of Christian prayer for the 2025 Jubilee

Mary MacKillop stamp

St Mary MacKillop

Celebrating the feast of St Mary MacKillop (1842 - 1909)

St Mary Magdalene stamp

St Mary Magdalene

St Mary Magdelene, one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament

Bible in 10 stamp

Bible in 10 Minutes

Fr Mike Schmitz takes us through the Bible in 10 Minutes

Homelessness Drive stamp

Homelessness Drive

Please assist the Catholic Care homelessness drive supporting the homeless of Broken Bay

Francis Jordan stamp

Francis Jordan

We celebrate the feast day of Blessed Francis Jordan (1848-1918)

Actions Quotation stamp


A reflection on the power of your example by St Anthony of Padua

Northern Beaches stamp

Northern Beaches

Invitation to attend the Broken Bay Northern Beaches Conversation Forum

Synod Conclusion stamp

Synod Part 2

Working document for the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2024

Potential Quotation stamp


A reflection on everyone's potential by St Catherine of Siena

Disciple Diaries stamp

Disciple Diaries

A video series with Christ in everyday life

Carlo Acutis Canonisation stamp

Carlo Acutis Canonisation

Preparation for the canonisation of Carlo Acutis

Persistence Quotation stamp


A reflection on the importance of persistence by St Teresa of Calcutta

Sea Sunday stamp

Sea Sunday

Stella Maris: Offering hospitality and pastoral care to the people of the sea

Peter and Paul stamp

Peter and Paul

We celebrate the feast day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Perpetual Succour stamp

Perpetual Succour

We celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour