Sacramental Program

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Sacramental Program for 2024

The Pymble Catholic Parish has a comprehensive annual Sacramental Program for children. The program is under the guidance of the Sacramental Coordinator for the parish.

The order of the sacraments is Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and then First Eucharist. After Baptism, preparation for each of the sacraments involves an individual enrolment, and a preparation program led by parent volunteers and the Parish Sacramental Team. The enrolment procedure is an online process explained below.

The Parish program has the following two components presented below:
  • The Confirmation program, and
  • The First Reconciliation and Eucharist program.

Note This material presents the Pymble Parish Sacramental Program for 2024.

Sacramental Program block 01

Confirmation Program

Please read the information provided here prior to registering so that you understand the expectations of the parent(s) and candidate for the program.

At Baptism, your child began a life-long journey and a way of life. At Confirmation, the graces received in Baptism are sealed with the reception of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This sacrament enables your child to better participate in the worshipping and apostolic life of the Church. The words that Jesus shared with His disciples at Pentecost apply to each one of us at Confirmation, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come down upon you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8).

Confirmation is open to children, referred to as “candidates”, who are in Year 3 and above, and who have been baptised Catholic.

When choosing whether or not to embark on this program, please consider the age and maturity of your child. If you feel your child would benefit from the program at an older age, then please make adjustments.

Children must be baptised prior to enrolling in this sacramental program. Candidates who have been baptised in other Christian denominations must make a Profession of Faith to Catholicism prior to joining this program.

Registrations for this program open on 1 March 2024. Due to the timetable of events in preparation for this sacrament, late registrations cannot be accepted.

Candidates are required to provide a baptismal certificate, choose a Catholic sponsor, and a Saint name for Confirmation during the enrolment process.

Before registration can be confirmed, a baptismal certificate must be emailed to

Candidates choose one Catholic sponsor. A sponsor must be at least 16 years of age and a fully initiated Catholic, meaning they have made their Catholic Sacraments of Initiation. Sponsors act as a spiritual guide for your child, and should therefore be practising Catholics.

A Saint name is chosen to act as your child’s “Saintly friend”. A Saint can be someone whose life journey resonates with the candidate or has significance to them.

Program Sequence

The Confirmation program consists of the following obligations which a parent and the candidate must attend for successful completion of the program. The candidate’s sponsor, when possible, is encouraged to attend these as well.
  1. Three formation sessions, one of which includes the Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening,
  2. Presentation Mass,
  3. Confirmation practice,
  4. Confirmation celebration.

Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening. This is the first session (Session #1) on Thursday, 4 April, 6:30pm - 8pm, at Sacred Heart Church Pymble. Parents and candidates are requested to attend.

Preparation Program. Two additional formation sessions over 4-weeks in April and May with either a nominated home-based group or the parish-facilitated group.

A Home-based family group is parent-driven, run and orchestrated, with other families that are typically from the candidate’s school. The dates, times and locations are determined by the group.

A Parish-facilitated group is orchestrated by members of the Pymble Sacramental Team at the Parish Office at Sacred Heart Church Pymble. Expect the session to run for 90 minutes. The dates are as follows:

Session #2 options (choose one): Saturday, 6 April at 4pm
Sunday, 7 April at 10:30am (following the 9:30am Mass)
Session #3 options (choose one): Saturday, 4 May at 4pm
Sunday, 5 May at 10:30am (following the 9:30am Mass)

Presentation Mass. This Mass presents the candidates to the greater Parish community and celebrates this milestone over the weekend of Saturday, 6 and Sunday, 7 April.

Confirmation Practice. Practice for the celebration is on Tuesday, 21 May at Sacred Heart Church Pymble at 3:30pm or 5pm. Attend the practice that best suits you and your family.

Confirmation Celebration. Sunday, 26 May at Sacred Heart Church Pymble, with two celebrations at 11:30am and 1:30pm. You will be prompted to choose the celebration that best suits your family when registering. Please note that candidate capacity at each service is limited. The duration of the Confirmation celebrations are 75 to 90 minutes.

If your child has additional needs, please contact the Parish office so we can work with your family to find the best way to support you and your child during preparation for the sacraments.

Confirmation program key dates summary sheet (PDF 216KB)

Information Needed For Enrolment

The name of the candidate making their Confirmation. Enter your child's name in the Candidate's First Name and Candidate's Last Name section. Do not enter your name. Ensure your child's name is spelt correctly and as you want it to appear on their certificate.

A Confirmation name. As above, a Saint name.

A copy of your child's baptism certificate. Please email a copy of the certificate to prior to the Welcome Evening. If your child was baptised in a non-Catholic Christian denomination, they will need to make a profession of faith prior to Confirmation.

The postal address of the parish where your child was baptised. This is a very important piece of information. Due to canon law of the Catholic Church, we are required to send a letter confirming your child has made their Confirmation to the church where your child was baptised. Ensure you fill in all of the fields properly when booking on-line. This may seem tedious but it is necessary.

A Catholic sponsor for your child. As above.

If you are hosting or facilitating a group, have the time, day and location of the group you intend to offer. Remember, depending on availability, the church does have rooms for group preparation sessions. If you know of others participating in Confirmation, please reach out to them prior to enrolling to organise a group.

How to Enrol

When booking online, please book one child at a time. If you have more than one child making their Confirmation, book each child individually to ensure we have all of the necessary information for each participant.

The participation fee for the Sacrament of Confirmation program is $80per child. This charge is not for receiving the sacrament. The Parish needs to make a charge for each sacramental program to cover the costs of providing books and other resources.

If you are experiencing financial hardship or require assistance, please contact the Sacramental Team via confidential correspondence at

The information provided is collected and handled in accordance with the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Privacy Policy available on the Diocese and Parish Web site.

Note: During preparation for Confirmation, as well as at the Confirmation Mass itself, photographs of participants and attendees may be taken, and may then be used on either Pymble Catholic Parish Web site or Parish social media. The use of photos will be done so in a strictly ethical and respectful way. If you have any related questions then please contact the Parish office.

Online Enrolment

Each child needs to be enrolled in the program via the online registration process below. Remember, if you have more than one child participating, please go through the complete booking process for the each child in sequence (do not book more than one ticket at a time). This process will ensure we have all of the necessary details for each individual participant.

Registration Closed Registration for the Confirmation program has now closed. Because of the scheduled events in preparation for the program, late registrations cannot be accepted.


Sacramental Program block 02

First Reconciliation and Eucharist Program

At Baptism, your child began a life-long journey and a way of life. At Reconciliation, the focus turns to God's mercy, how we forgive among our family, friends, and community, and how we celebrate forgiveness. By this sacrament of forgiveness, God grants us pardon and peace and calls us to a life of conversion, "the Kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mk 1:15).

The Eucharist brings about our own intimate union with Jesus Christ because it is a sacrament of love, a sign of unity and the very presence of the risen Christ who shares his life with us. As Jesus announced, "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them" (John 6:56).

The First Reconciliation and Eucharist program is open to children, referred to as "candidates" in Year 4 and above who have made their Confirmation with the Catholic Church.

When choosing whether or not to embark on this program, please consider the age and maturity of your child. If you feel your child would benefit from the program at an older age, then please make adjustments.

The program commences with the Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening. This is the first session (Session #1) on Thursday, 16 May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at Sacred Heart Church Pymble. Parents and candidates are requested to attend. This is a combined First Reconciliation and Eucharist meeting.

First Reconciliation

The First Reconciliation program is detailed below. A parent and the candidate are required to attend for successful completion of the program.
  1. Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening (as above),
  2. Two formation sessions,
  3. Presentation Mass,
  4. First Reconciliation celebration (note: there is no practice for Reconciliation).

Preparation Program. Two formation sessions with a nominated home-based group or the parish-facilitated group.

A Home-based family group is parent-driven, run and orchestrated, with other families that are from the candidate's school. The dates, times and locations are determined by the group.

A Parish-facilitated group is orchestrated by members of the Pymble Sacramental Team at the Parish Office at Sacred Heart Church, Pymble. The dates are as follows:

Session #2 options (choose one): Saturday, 18 May at 2pm and 4pm
Sunday, 19 May at 10:30am (following the 9:30am Mass)
Session #3 options (choose one): Saturday, 1 June at 2pm and 4pm
Sunday, 2 June at 10:30am (following the 9:30am Mass)

Presentation Mass. The weekend of Saturday, 1 and Sunday, 2 June at any Mass at either church. There is no practice for the presentation Mass.

First Reconciliation. Times are staggered to ensure all candidates are given ample time and space to confess without having to wait. Please come at your allotted time.

Tuesday, 4 June at Sacred Heart Church. Each candidate is given a 5-minute time slot between the times of 4pm and 5pm.

Wednesday, 5 June at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church. Each candidate is given a 5-minute time slot between the times of 3:30pm and 4pm.

First Eucharist

As detailed above, the program commences with the Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening on Thursday, 16 May, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at Sacred Heart Church, Pymble. This is a combined First Reconciliation and Eucharist meeting.

The First Eucharist program is detailed below. A parent and the candidate are required to attend for successful completion of the program:
  1. Parent and Candidate Welcome Evening (as above),
  2. Two formation sessions,
  3. Presentation Mass,
  4. First Eucharist practice,
  5. First Eucharist celebration.

Preparation Program. Two additional formation sessions with a nominated home-based group or the parish-facilitated group.

A Home-based family group is parent-driven, run and orchestrated, with other families that are from the candidate's school. The dates, times and locations are determined by the group.

A Parish-facilitated group is orchestrated by members of the Pymble Sacramental Team at the Parish office at Sacred Heart Church, Pymble. The dates are as follows:

Session #2 options (choose one): Saturday, 27 July at 4pm
Sunday, 28 July at 10:30am
Session #3 options (choose one): Saturday, 3 August at 2pm and 4pm
Sunday, 4 August at 10:30am

Presentation Mass. The weekend of Saturday, 27 and Sunday, 28 July, at any Mass at either church.

Celebrations. The details for the celebrations in each of the two churches is given below.

Go to reconciliation at least one more time prior to First Eucharist:
  • At Sacred Heart: 8:30am Friday, 5pm Saturday, 5:30pm Sunday
  • At Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: 9:30am Saturday

Sacred Heart Practice and Celebration Time

Practice for Sacred Heart: Thursday, 8 August at 4pm. Practice will run for about 45 minutes.

First Eucharist Celebration for Sacred Heart: Sunday, 11 August at 11:30am. The celebration will be about 75 minutes.

The practice and celebration at Sacred Heart are longer due to the greater number of candidates involved.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Practice and Celebration Time

Practice for Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: Thursday, 15 August at 3:30pm. Practice will run for about 30 minutes.

First Eucharist Celebration for Our Lady of Perpetual Succour: Sunday, 18 August at 11am. The celebration will be about an hour.

If your child has additional needs, we want to ensure they can receive the sacraments in a way that is helpful and inclusive of them, please let us know.

Please note the expectation is the involvement of the child making their sacraments, as well as their parent(s) / carer(s). The majority of one's spiritual and religious development occurs in the home - parents are the primary educators of their children. These groups are meant to complement the preparation for these sacraments, which should also be happening at home.

How to Enrol

When booking online, please book one child at a time. If you have more than one child to enrol, book each child individually to ensure we have all of the necessary information for each participant.

The participation fee for both Reconciliation and Eucharist inclusive is $150 per child. This charge is not for receiving the sacraments. The Parish needs to make a charge for each sacramental program to cover the costs of providing books and other resources.

If you are experiencing financial hardship or require assistance, please contact the Sacramental Team via confidential correspondence at

Online Enrolment

Each child needs to be enrolled in the program via the online registration process below. Remember, if you have more than one child participating, please go through the complete booking process for the each child in sequence (do not book more than one ticket at a time). This process will ensure we have all of the necessary details for each individual participant.

Registration Closed Registration for the First Reconciliation and Eucharist program has now closed. Because of the scheduled events in preparation for the program, late registrations cannot be accepted.


For further information or assistance with the Sacramental Program, please make contact with the Parish office.