Dei Verbum

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60th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council

A Bishop Robert Barron video

In this 60th year since the calling of the Second Vatican Council, Bishop Barron reflects most of all on the Dei Verbum report, the Second Vatican Council's constitution on divine revelation. It should be seen as the interpretive lens for the entire council. If we forget the central teaching of Dei Verbum, then the Lumen Gentium, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and Gaudium et Spes documents will be fundamentally misunderstood.

Dei Verbum, which was greatly influenced by the late Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), highlights wonderfully that Christianity is a revealed religion. Christianity is not primarily the story of our search for God; it is the story of God’s relentless search for us. It is not primarily our words about God, but rather God’s Word spoken to us. Hence, Christianity is not something that we have invented; instead, it is something that we have received.

Documents of the Second Vatican Council

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the 60th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council