Ministry Directory

We are blessed in this Parish to have so many parishioners involved in Lay Ministry.  Please take the time to look at our directory of ministries to learn about and perhaps seek to join one of the Parish Ministries.

If you would like to volunteer your services to help the Parish in some way but unsure how to best contribute, please contact the Parish Office and we will be able to talk to you about possible options and what best suits your talents and time.

1. Ministries at Mass

  1. Liturgy Ministry
  2. Ministers of the Eucharist
  3. Lector Ministry
  4. Acolyte, Senior and Junior Servers Ministry
  5. Music Ministry
  6. Children’s Liturgy Ministry
  7. Altar Society Ministry
  8. Floral Arrangers Ministry
  9. Altar Linen Ministry
  10. Welcoming and Hospitality Ministry
  11. Wardens

2. Formation & Catechesis

  1. Catechists Ministry
  2. Children’s Sacramental Programme

3. Community Life

  1. Ecumenism Ministry
  2. Youth Group
  3. Senior Ministry
  4. Piety Stall Ministry
  5. Parish Pastoral Council
  6. Wardens, Counters and Finance Committee Ministries
  7. Parish Staff and Parish Hall Ministry

4. Social Outreach

  1. Communion to the Sick, Elderly and Housebound Ministry
  2. Society of SVDP
  3. Social Justice