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Mass of Inclusion comes of age

Acknowledging that people living with disability and their families are not always made to feel welcome in church, this Mass has been held annually over the past 18 years with a special emphasis on inclusion and welcome. The Mass has been referred to in past years as the FOCUS Family Group Mass, Mass with People with Disability and more recently, Mass for People with Special Needs and their families.

On Sunday 1 December 2019, marking the International Day of Disability (3 December) and in its 18th year, people in every community across the Diocese of Broken Bay are warmly invited to, what is being referred to this year as, the Mass of Inclusion.

Disability comes in many forms and can present a real challenge in understanding for those who have never experienced the realities of living with disability. This Mass of Inclusion recognises the abilities of all and reminds us that Jesus Christ is present in the hearts and minds of all people.  It is also an opportunity for a new kind of communion, described by Jean Vanier, who worked and lived with people with disability for many years, as the “to-and-fro of love.” It is crucial for us, as a diocese, to have this space, not least because the Mass can be inaccessible, for anyone, but perhaps especially for those with disability.

Pope Francis states in his encyclical, “Amoris Laetitia” (47)

People with disabilities are a gift for the family and an opportunity to grow in love, mutual aid and unity…If the family, in the light of the faith, accepts the presence of persons with special needs, they will be able to recognise and ensure the quality and value of every human life, with its proper needs, rights and opportunities. … Here I would stress that dedication and concern shown to migrants and to persons with special needs alike is a sign of the Spirit. Both situations are paradigmatic: they serve as a test of our commitment to show mercy in welcoming others and to help the vulnerable to be fully a part of our communities.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference statement of 2018 on the International Day of Disability states that we must have “active participation in our Church and faith communities,” and that we must “create enabling environments by, for, and with persons with disabilities.”  Over the years we have witnessed pure joy amongst the young and not-so-young when given the opportunity to participate in aspects of the Liturgy. To be made to feel that you belong, that you are not just an onlooker, especially in our Church community, is everyone’s right.

This year’s Mass of Inclusion will be celebrated at Our Lady of The Rosary Cathedral, Waitara at 9.30am on Sunday 1 December 2019 with Bishop Anthony Randazzo. Following Mass, those gathered are encouraged to stay and share morning tea and conversations with others in a welcoming and caring environment. 

If you would like to share your gifts through involvement in any of the pastoral ministries or assisting with hospitality please contact Colleen Smith at or 02 8379 1642.

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