Safeguarding Background

NSW Election Information

As we approach the 2019 NSW State Election, we as Catholics of the Diocese of Broken Bay will be giving thoughtful consideration to the way in which we cast our vote on Saturday 23 March.

This vote is significant as it is an exercise of our responsibility as citizens and also as Christians who are called to personal and communal engagement with the political and social concerns of our time through the lens of faith.

People of NSW, including Catholics no less than others, will make their decision based upon the matters most pertinent to their circumstance and outlook. Naturally, for each of us some matters will carry more weight than others.

Amongst the issues that pertain to the common good are the dignity of human life, environmental degradation, religious freedom, affordable housing, the status of Special Religious Education, the provision of health services, infrastructure and development issues that impact on our quality of life, the funding of Catholic education, and the needs of the poor and underprivileged. This is but to name a few of the matters that will shape our decision.

Helpfully, a guide has been provided by the Archdiocese of Sydney, via the Catholic Weekly, which outlines the response of major parties to just some of these issues. Of course, this guide does not pretend to be exhaustive and it does not lessen our responsibility to seek out information on the issues that are of particular significance to us and for those persons and communities within our responsibility and care.

In informing ourselves as broadly and deeply as possible we can make a decision informed by our faith and the ‘signs of the times’ for which we are responsible as Christians and members of the community of NSW.

Download NSW Election Guide (PDF 1017.3KB)

The full response from each party to these issues can be read at

Fr David Ranson
Diocesan Administrator
Diocese of Broken Bay