
Ukraine – an horrific milestone


Next week, Friday, 24 February 2023, it will be one year since Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine which has seen what many believe is the bloodiest conflict in Europe and unleashed the largest wave of refugees since World War II.

In its three decades of independence Ukraine has sadly seen many hostilities as it has sought to forge its own path as a sovereign state including when Russia annexed Crimea and began arming separatists in the Dombas region in the country’s southeast.

Since the 2022 invasion the UN Human Rights Commission has recorded nearly 19,000 civilian casualties – more than 7,000 killed and nearly7 12,000 injured. More than 12 million people have been driven from their home since Russian forces invaded their country and launched deadly missile attacks.

Any diplomatic resolution is certainly not on the horizon – but we can pray. Below is the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Prayer for Peace and Justice in Ukraine.

Also below are Universal Prayer Petitions you could use this week in your Masses.


For the People of the Ukraine: that by our Lenten Prayer and Penance they may know that we are is solidarity with them.
For peace in Ukraine: that those suffering because of the injustices imposed on them may persevere in faith and the practical support of other nations.
For the gift of peace in the Ukraine: that the support of the world’s nations may bring a peaceful end to the war with Russia.