Laudato Si'
On Care for our Common Home
Since its release on 18 June 2015, Laudato Si’, has prompted much discussion in the Church and public square about the ecological issues impacting our world. The following resources are available to allow a continued dialogue and response to this encyclical.

1. Diocese of Broken Bay Laudato Si’ Discussion Guide for Parishes, Schools and Small Groups
This resource is available to download here and can be used as a guide for small groups.
2. Tree of Life - A resource from Catholic Earthcare Australia for the first anniversary of Laudato Si'
This resource includes a prayer card; Sunday Gospel reflections; a theological reflection; and ways of taking practical action.
3. Living Laudato Si’ – The Ecological Challenge of Pope Francis
This book offers a 40-day eco-reflection on the thoughts of Pope Francis as articulated in his encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. It provides further reflections on some of the prominent themes underscored in the encyclical with a central focus on our integral relationship with our fellow humans and the whole natural world. Rediscover our eco-vocation as authentic carer of creation and rekindle a sense of intimacy and communion with the natural world. “In these words you will be richly challenged and given the resources to rise against the common ecological indifference that marks our current time.” – Most Rev Peter A Comensoli. $18 per book + $7.45 Postage (discounts for pensioners and students). To order email/call: Rev Norberto Ochoa, Warringah Parish or 0437 324 227
The online text of the Encyclical can be found here.
Copies of the Encyclical can be purchased online from Pauline Books & Media here.